New year, New you?
How often do we make well-intentioned new years resolutions only to feel an overwhelming sense of guilt when we fail to live up to them?
Sometimes making us feel even worse is knowing that the feeling is all too familiar and we manage each year to not achieve our goals.
The New Year, can be a great time to reassess, re-evaluate and realign ourselves with our core values. Reminding ourselves of what we cherish most and attempting to make changes to the areas of our lives that we are least satisfied with can be a challenge. Not least because we can often times form habits that are difficult to break.
What is recommendable is to think about how your goals this year can be SMART. Its an acronym, so many of us will have come across, but one in which we may overlook as being another meaningless mnemonic.
What I’d recommend is using this acronym to structure your goals this year, so that you are more likely to see your new years resolution through. So what are SMART goals? They are: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-Framed. You may have heard of other variations of the acronym. To be honest with you, it doesn’t matter which you use, the point is to try and give yourself the best chance of fulfilling your resolutions this year with goals that you are able to achieve, just by changing the way you reframe them!